HonaMail Sign in

HonaMail is partnering with retail stores to make shopping a whole lot easier. When a HonaMail customer purchases an item from a store online and needs an in store pick-up, s/he can choose to have HonaMail pick-up and deliver the item from the store to their home.
HonaMail provides customers with two different shipping options. With Regular Service shipping, a staff member will pick up your shipment and it will be delivered to its final destination at any time within a 24 hour period. With Xpress Service shipping your item will be picked up and immediately go from your house to its destination. For both services, customers can choose to either have their shipment picked up by a HonaMail representative or drop it off at the HonaMail office. The shipment can be pre-wrapped or unwrapped. It’s as easy as 1, 2, 3!